Brain & Concussion Screenings, Treatment & Care

At NPG Brain & Concussion, we provide personalized, caring brain health services using innovative technology. Whether you’ve had a recent injury and need to check if you’ve had a concussion, or you’re seeking help with mild cognitive decline due to chronic illness, our compassionate team of neurospecialists will provide the expert treatments and personal assessments you need to care for your most vital organ.

If you have just experienced an accident or injury, please visit an ER or call 911 immediately.

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Post-Injury and Ongoing Care

Our services at NPG Brain and Concussion Clinic care for two main types of patients: those who recently experienced an injury or accident and need assessments, and those who are seeking proactive or ongoing brain health care for a variety of reasons.

For post-injury care, we try our best to quickly schedule appointments. Please call (865) 433-9810 to make an appointment.

For general brain assessments and ongoing care, we will work with you and/or your medical team to set up scheduled appointments.

screenings and cognitive care

Brain Screenings & Cognitive Care

NPG neuro-specialists utilize expertise, screenings, and innovative technologies to aid in diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. A personalized care plan is constructed, and the patient will be followed by our team and monitored closely. 

NPG Brain was selected to be the first in the U.S. to offer exciting new Al home care technology from MiiCare, helping patients maintain their independence.


Concierge Concussion Services

NPG’s Concierge Concussion Clinic provides convenient, affordable access to:

  • Get your appointment in a few days
  • Brain specialists treating brain injuries
  • FDA-approved technologies
  • Convenient Knoxville-based neurospecialty clinic 

For more information on NPG’s Concierge Concussion Clinic, please contact us.

Contact NPG Brain

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